
Monday, August 10, 2009

School Starts Back

Today school started back for my kids. It's been awful quiet around here without them here. They have been here a lot since I got sent home by the doctor. The quiet is nice but still miss the craziness of working while watching the kids. They both got off to a great start. Josh was dropped off first and wasn't to thrilled that I was taking pictures of him but he worked with me. He seemed to like his teacher and hard to believe that he is already in the 3rd grade. Maggie was next and she was just so excited. She is started a new school and was thrilled to be having 4 teachers and changing classes. Let's see how excited she is once things get going. We were not allowed to walk her in but I did get some pictures of her outside of her school. Hard to believe that the two of them will not be at the same school again until high school. Time flies by and I want to soak in every possible minute I can.

The Final Stretch

As I write this I am sitting on the couch with my feet up working. We are now 1 week away, unless something happens between now and then. We are 1 week away from becoming a family of 6. The kids are so excited. This past weekend was our last weekend without kids for the first time since we stared dating over 5 years ago. A lot of changes are coming our way but we are so excited. Now if we can just come up with a name for our baby girl.

Saturday, August 1, 2009

The Countdown is on

We have a date set for a C-section on Monday, August 17th.  So in about 2 weeks, we will be come a family of 6.  Wow the very thought of having 4 kids blows my mind but excites me that I have been blessed with 4 kids. I feel humbled that God would bless us with 4 kids.  JC is convinced that we will be welcoming the babies before the 17th , but we will see.  
At my doctor's appointment we have another ultrasound and discovered that they are both head down.  The C-section appointment is still set but the choice will be up to me.  JC and I talked about the babies coming today and the only thing we pray for is that they are healthy.  So if they come today or on the 17th, we just want what's best for the babies and me.  
Tonight one of my best friends Whitney came over and we got the baby bed setup and the ladder bookshelf with the baskets to hold the babies clothes and things up.  I am so excited now.  The bags are packed and all we are waiting on now is the babies themselves.