
Friday, April 27, 2012

A Day of Rememberence

April 27, 2011 - to many across the country it was just another day. But to my home state it was a day that none of us will ever forget. As massive tornados ripped thru our state killing and destroying lives in their path - 62 tornadoes, 253 lives lost. I like many others watched  the weather reports and worried for friends and loved ones in the paths.

That day we as a state didn't wait for someone to come rescue us or to bail us out. We took care of ourselves that day and the days to follow. Ordinary everyday people became heroes. Our state was no longer concerned about a game played in November. Our only concern was each other. The phrases "Roll Tide" and "War Eagle" were replaced with "We Are Alabama".

So today, we remember the lives affected by these storms. We remember those who lost their lives and the loved ones left behind. We as a state continue to rebuild what was lost. We have risen to the challenge. May we also today be thankful for what we have and be thankful for God's mercy, love and blessings.

We Are Alabama!

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