
Thursday, August 26, 2010

Never Thought I Would Get Them

I purchased a pair of shoes yesterday that I thought I never would. Yes I got a pair of Tone Ups and I have to say after wearing them today, they are rather comfortable. 
A friend of mine has back issues like I do and was told by her doctor to get a pair. After wearing them for a while, she says that her back is feeling so much better. I am about sick of taking Motrin all the time for the pain and they were on sale so I thought what the heck. So I bought a pair.

After wearing them today, my back isn't hurting like it usually does by this time of day so this may actually be worth it. I got this pair cheap and went back to get another pair and of coure they were gone. Now the running/walking shoes they have are a different story. I just don't know if I can wear those.

Friday, August 20, 2010

One Year Old Checkup

Today was the babies' one year old checkup. Since they are one now, they get to ride facing forwards now which they love to do.

When they ride now, they talk a lot more, especially my baby girl. But still most of the time they sleep.

We had to wait in the room for a little bit since the doctor had to attend to an emergency. We sang songs and they just finished off the snacks I had for them when he finally came in. The babies are doing great. They checked out perfect and are healthy. My girl weighed 21 lbs 12 oz and my boy weighed 25 lbs 10 oz. Yes he's a big one.

On the way home I stopped by and got them a happy meal which they proceeded to eat all of - each had 1/2 cheese burger and some fries. They are very good eaters.

When I left they were splitting a pack of Swiss Roll Cakes. I am so thankful to have four healthy kids.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Wordless Wednesday - A Poppy's Love


My daddy loved his grandkids. So fitting that he started out with twin grandsons and ended with another set of twins. He was very proud of all 6 of his grandkids. I sure do miss him right now with it being the babies' first birthday. He would have been so excited. It won't be the same without him.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

One of Those Moments

Have you ever had that moments when you feel the weight of the world on your shoulders and feel like there is no way out from underneath it only to remember there is One who take that burden away - One who wants to take that burden off of us and handle it Himself? For me that moment came today.

I have a tendency to be super mom and want to do everything myself. I am not one to ask for help very often. I know that God tells us in His Word that we are to bring our cares to Him. This is possibly the weakest area of my faith at times. I know without a shadow of doubt He is there for me, comforting, protecting, guiding me. What I have a hard time with is giving up my worries and cares to Him and that is so stupid when I know that He knows best.

So today I gave him all my worries and cares to Him again - job, family, just life in general. Every time I get to this point I feel like He is looking down on me not to judge but to say "see just let me handle it and you just go on about doing My business. I love you". And then the weight is gone, life doesn't seem so overwhelming.

Happy Birthday Babies!

One year ago today at 7:17 and 7:18 we welcomed the twins into our family. They weighed in at 6lbs 7oz and 6lbs 4oz. It was a long pregnancy but totally worth it.



The older two didn't go to school that day and could not stop grinning from ear to ear with excitement. They were the proudest brother and sister I had ever seen. A friend of ours had some pictures developed that day so that they could take them to school the next day to show all their friends.




We sang Happy Birthday to them this morning before the older kids left for school. When we got through Bulldog (my baby boy) just laughed and clapped. His sister just look at us and grinned. Today they are no long babies, they are toddlers. They no longer have to have formula and bottles are becoming a thing of the past. I wish I could slow time down. It doesn't seem like it has been a year.

Happy Birthday babies!

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Thankful on a Thursday

This coming Tuesday the babies turn 1. As I watched the older two playing with the babies this week, I couldn't help but think about how much life was different this time 1 year ago. I was big as a cow; I shudder just to think of it. Life was a little simpler. The two little ones that are walking and crawling all over the place were still little things in me.  My daddy was still here.

This day I am thankful for my four healthy children, my best friend who I get to spend the rest of my life with and the upcoming birthday of two precious babies. I am thankful for the little things in life we often overlook - the smiles, the kisses, the sound a child makes while they sleep - simply the time we spend together as a family.

We may never have the biggest house, the nicest furniture or the best money can buy, but what we do have is our Lord and love for each other.We have laugher and our health.


Oh this day I have so much to be thankful for it seems silly to ever complain again. Yet the sad part is, I will complain again. I will complain about things that really don't matter in this world. If our house doesn't sale anytime soon and we are here for a while, is it really that bad. If we don't do this or go there, is it really going to be a big deal in 10 years. No I don't believe so.  The only thing that will matter is the memories that we make and the lives that we touch each and everyday.

Here's a little video of a little bit that I watched this week. I love my kids!

First Day of School 2010

Monday we started back to school. It just seems like we got out for summer just a few days ago but alias, we are back to school and nights of homework. The kids were all excited. My oldest was really excited since she was going into the 6th grade. This year she gets a locker and changes classes.


Red was excited. He is getting so big. I always take pictures of him and his sister in front of their elementary school but this year I was lucky to get one of him.


He is just too old for things like that. I look at this picture of him and I wonder where the years have gone. He looks so grown in it to me. And he is wearing his contacts. He has loved them and is doing great at taking them out. I still put them in for him but even that is getting better.

I sure do wish time would slow down.

This Past Weekend Recap

This past weekend was another busy on for us. Friday night the babies were not feeling well so we hung out at the house with them. Saturday Red participated in the NFL Pass, Punt and Kick that was being held at the football fields. It was so hot but he had a blast.


The babies got their first pair of shoes. The first time they put them on, they really were not sure what to do. My boy would spin around in circles trying to get them off. And she would take high steps or just not walk at all since she wasn't liking the shoes. They seem to be getting the hang of it now.

Now it time to start planning their birthday part. Invitations needs to go out and menu planned. We are having a Mickey Mouse Clubhouse party since the babies just love Mickey Mouse.

Friday, August 6, 2010

Great Start to the Morning

This morning as I went downstairs to the mall to get some sweet iced tea, there was someone working on the elevator. The panels were open showing all the wires and I commented that it didn't look good and that my daddy had worked on elevators for year. The man asked me who my daddy was and when I told him he had only good things to say about my Daddy. He said that they still talk about how him and how strong he was. When I mentioned the "Bill Wrench" which is a post I will write about later, he just laughed and knew exactly what I was talking about. My Daddy was short but was strong as an ox. He could not say enough about him. He talked about how good of a man he was and how much he was missed.

As I walked away, I felt so honored to know that my Daddy was so respected by those that worked with and knew him. Daddy would have loved to come down here and have lunch with me and these guys. It would be so much fun to sit around and listen to the stories, most of which I probably couldn't repeat.  He was a joy to all those who knew him.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010