Life is hectic. Four kids, husband, full-time job - these things seem to control our lives at times. It is during these times that we often lose sight of what is important. We start to complain about the job that we have when we should be thanking God that we have one. We complain and grumble because our spouse isn't meeting the unreachable expectations we have set for them instead of just loving them for who they are. We gripe because we have to take care of the children that God has so richly blessed us with instead of thanking Him for the blessing that they are.
Tonight when I got home I turned the TV off. There was silence in the house. All that I could hear was the laughter and squeals of the twins. I missed hearing the older two adding their noise to the mix but thanked God that I had two healthy children to miss. As I sat in the floor playing with the babies, I realized that there are times that life just needs to be simple. We need to take the time out from TV, chores, all the adult stuff in life and become a kid again sometimes. That is exactly what I did tonight. I played peek-a-boo and just simply played with them. Life as hectic as it, slowed down for a little while tonight.
As I sit in the silence of the night, I am thankful for a God that can use moments like tonight to remind me that being quiet is good. It's good to slowdown, reflect on Him and enjoy life being His child.
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